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Balance Path

My Mission with Balanced Path

My Mission with Balance Path is to help women heal their relationship with Food, Fitness, and Self through a Faith Filled approach. 


Many women, including myself struggle with body image and having a healthy relationship with food. Although I had the knowledge, I wasn't able to overcome the struggles of having a dysfunctional relationship with food until I surrendered it to God. On of my life missions is to help women break those chains that keep them in the never-ending cycle of unhealthy habits, behaviors, and thoughts with Food, Fitness, and self, by pointing them to Jesus and walking with them through the healing journey of health.




With Mindful eating & Mind Renewal we look at awareness and acceptance to move toward true Food freedom and how to nourish your body with the permission to eat all foods, as in no food restriction.

Leran to make peace with your body and food while, removing the All or nothing mindset of either strictly following a diet or feeling completely out of control around food with no in-between. ​Learn to trust your internal cues with food and your body while we navigate your relationship with food and self. Learn to set boundaries with confidence as you grow and heal.


Are you ready to explore your God given strengths, gifts, desires, and everything that makes you who you are beyond your body?


It's time to know that you are fearfully and wonderfully made and that your body is a temple that is worth more than what the world's beauty ideals and standards say you should be.


Come and focus your eyes on Jesus as we transform your relationship with food and yourself and break those chains to live a life of full freedom in food with a freedom that comes from Christ. 


Transfromed through Balanced Path is a faith-based health and life coaching approach to the healing and transforming your relationship with food & self through the renewal of your mind combined with positive eating habits through a Mindful Eating Approach.  This is a very powerful and deep dive into finding your true food freedom.

No restrictions, No diets,

No All-or-Nothing Approach.

Are you ready to find your freedom in food and break these chains?

Would you like more information on this and if this is right for you. 

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