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My Story

           I started lifting weights when I was 15 years old as my choice of a gym class that was a requirement in our high school. I had other options, but this is what I wanted to try. I quickly fell in love with lifting. It just made me feel good, but as the years progressed unhealthy habits started to form and a negative thought process toward my relationship with food, fitness, and myself. By senior year I was over training, undereating, with binge eating on the weekends and to reverse the effects of the binging I would unfortunately fill my body with laxatives. A cycle I repeated every week and every month for a long time. I eventually stopped the laxatives, however the all or nothing approach and never-ending cycle of being restrictive with the binge eating continued for over a decade.


        I entered the competitive powerlifting scene in my mid 20’s and that was where I really started to learn about what my body needed to perform optimally through nutrition and recovery. I held Mutiple world record totals, was consider an international elite lifter, and was the lightest woman to total 1000lbs at that point in powerlifting. It was truly an honor to compete on some of the biggest platforms with some of the strongest women in the country! 


My best completion lifts were a 421 lbs squat, 235 lbs Bench, and 385 lbs. I competed in weight classes ranging from 97lbs-132lbs. 


As my era in powerlifting ended, I opened up my own supplement store in 2019 in Somerset, Ky and as time went on, I grew a huge passion and desire to help people reach their health, fitness, and nutrition goals. I have a huge heart still to this day for Sports Performance Nutrition from where I was a completive athlete, so I specialize in it with the combination of Nutrition and optimizing recovery through Stress management and Sleep Cycles. 


I also specialize in health coaching for healing your relationship with food, fitness, and yourself through faith filled approach. 


I have to give God the glory for helping me overcome the dysfunctional relationship with food and myself so I could step up into the calling that I know I was meant for.  A call to educate, encourage, and to coach. 


I look forward to all the people I can help transform their life through Nutrition, Fitness, and Health. 

Coach Shana 


Let us know if you would love a FREE Connection Call to see if Coaching is right for you! 

For questions or coaching inquiries please each out here:

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